Dimensions of Support for Missions & Missionaries

As a Christian (missionary) organization that focuses on mobilization of support, the ministry does not own any mission field nor employ the services of missionaries, but provides requisite supports for the activities of other sending missionary bodies. The supports rendered are primarily to indigenous African missionaries who have left their comfort zones in response to the call to go and serve as missionaries in remote mission fields, or in foreign lands within Africa.

Areas of support include, but not limited to:

i) Regular financial support for missionary families, to meet their basic physiological needs
ii) Full or partial scholarship for one child per missionary family, in order to alleviate the burden of the beneficiary families to a large extent
iii) Execution of specific projects (e.g. water well) for the mission field, in order to match the gospel message with social action (Practical Christianity)
iv) Financial support for major projects initiated by respective missionary bodies, such as construction of places of worship and educational building to name a few. Many worship in make-shift structures built with hay and palm front, for example.
v) Donation of transportation machinery, including motorcycles, vans, trucks etc to facilitate their movement from place to place, within the mission field
vi) Carrying out of medical outreaches in the communities where the missionaries serve, especially in those areas with very poor or non-existing government healthcare program

Educational sponsorship for missionaries’ children (full or partial scholarship) is carried out in either of two ways, namely:
1) Corporate Sponsorship: the fund is disbursed from the pool of mission funds, and
2) Direct Individual Sponsorship: where the sponsor is linked with a specific child and missionary family, depending on the wish of the donor

In addition to the aforementioned supports, the ministry also organizes prayer rallies for missions and missionaries from time to time, at corporate, family and individual levels. This is indispensable, especially considering the spate of physical and spiritual attacks constantly unleashed on them.
Beneficiary Missionary Bodies